- J & B Furniture - [antique dealer]
2141 Washington Av.
- J & W Sandwich Shoppe - [restaurant]
4931 Montgomery Road
- JJW Food Market - [grocery] 3801
Montgomery Road (neart Cleneay Avenue)
- Jack's Barber Shop - [barber] 4115 Edwards
- Jack & Jill Store - [children's
clothing] 4562 Montgomery Road
- Jackie's Beauty Shop - [beauty shop] 4314
Montgomery Road (at Craig Building)
- Dallas E. Jackson - [grocery] 1913 Elm
- William J. Jackson - [masonry contractor]
1709 Hopkins Avenue
- The Jackson Box Company - [box
manufacturer] 4927 Beech
- Company sold to Mead Company of Dayton, December 6, 1956.
- Jacobson's Norwood Boot Shop - [boot
store] 4638 Montgomery Road
- Jaeger Printing Company - [printer] 2364
Harris Avenue
- Mabel James - [practical nurse] 2053 Elm
Avenue, Apt. 4
- Jan's Hallmark - [greeting cards] Surrey
Square closed about 2001?
- Janet Flower Shop- [florist] 4407
Montgomery Road ?
- Marie F. Jasper - [restaurant] 5101
Montgomery Road
- Jaynie's Furniture Gallery - [furniture
store] Warehouse Flea Market @ Norwood Plaza? next to Krogers
- Jeffer's Moving Company - [movers] 2745
Norwood Avenue, specializing in moving of antiques and fine furniture
- Chas. Jeffre - [street contractor]
Franklin, north of Hopkins (est. pre-1900)
- Neff Jenkins King Burger Park and Eat -
[restaurant] Duck Creek Road at Edmondson Road (see Flood's
Eat 'N Park restaurant)

- Jerris Company - [general
merchandise-retail] 2832 Highland Avenue
- Jerry & Mack's Gulf - [gasoline
station] Smith Road at Penn R.R. tracks
- Jim & Bea's Beauty Shop - [beauty
shop] 2144 Elm Av.
- Jim's Carry Out - [grocery
store] 4709 Section Avenue
- Jimmy's Tap Room - [cafe/restaurant] 1763
Sherman Avenue
- Joan - [beauty shop] 2121 Maple Av.
- Joe's Place - [cafe/restaurant] 4727 Smith
- Joe's Tap Room - [tavern] 4421-23
Montgomery Road (across from Madison Avenue)
- Joe's Tavern a.k.a. Joe's
Cafe - [tavern/restaurant] 5001 Montgomery Road
- Johnnie's Glass - [glass replacement] 2856
Norwood Avenue @ corner of Norwood and Forest Avenues
- Johnny's Toys - [toy store] Surrey
- H. G. Johnson & Associates - [public
accountants] 4600 Montgomery Road , nec Washington Avenue and
Montgomery Road, at First National Bank Building, Rooms 9-10
- Jarvis H. Johnson - [restaurant] 4731
Smith Road
- Mrs. J. M. Johnson - [insurance-fire]
Elsmere Avenue, 2nd house south of Williams
(est. pre-1900)
- R. F. Johnston Paint Company, Inc. -
[paint manufacturer] southwestern corner of Mentor & Huston
Avenues; 4537 Montgomery Road; (also
see The Foy Paint Co. & Cincinnati
Varnish Co.)
- John R. Johnston - [dentist]
4402 Lafayette Av.
- Anthony R. Jones - [parking lot] Maple
& Station Avenues
- Jones Bros. - [restaurant]
4733 Montgomery Road
- G. H. Jones Co. - [plumber] 2370 Harris
- Jones Brothers Plumbing & Piping Co. -
[plumber] 4301 Smith Road
- Jones Plumbing & Heating Co. -
[plumbing/air conditioners] 2501 Duck Creek Rd.
- Jordan Electric Company - [household
appliance dealer] 4513 Forest Avenue
- Jordan Realtors - [real estate] 3960
Montgomery Road, Norwood office
- M. Orem Jordan - [barber] 4419 Montgomery
- Chas. Joseph - [insurance-fire] Carthage
Avenue, north of Lawn (est. pre-1900)
- L. G. Joynes - [livery
stable] probably east side of Montgomery Road, north of Harris
Avenue. He also ran an omnibus between the bridge and Kerper's cable
car line. He was from Madisonville.
- Just Fine Beauty Shop - [beauty shop] 4219
Smith Road
- Thomas T. Justis - [lawyer] 4123
Montgomery Road