Norwood's Restaurants

Includes standard restaurants, fast food restaurants, diners, cafeterias, delicatessens, sandwich shops, lunch rooms and caterers. Does not include tavern, cafes, or beer gardens.

  • Louis H. Albright - [delicatessen] 3962 Montgomery Road
  • Angilo's Pizza - [restaurant] 2649 Robertson Avenue
  • Anna's Family Restaurant - [restaurant] 4633 Montgomery Road
  • Apple Pie Coffee Shop - [diner] 4736 Montgomery Road
  • Arby's Roast Beef Restaurant - [restaurant] 4600 Smith Road
  • Bailer's Restaurant - [restaurant]
  • L. W. Baker Delicatessen - [delicatessen] 5322 Carthage Avenue
  • Bankquet & Catering, Inc. - [caterer] 2439 Williams Avenue
  • Bert Beer - [restaurant] 4907 Montgomery Road
  • Bentley's Cafe - [restaurant] 5500 Carthage Avenue
  • Benjamin Benz - [restaurant] 5318 Carthage Ave.
  • Edward E. Bernens - [restaurant] 4737 Montgomery Road
  • Edward Bish - [restaurant] 4941 Montgomery Road
  • Blimie's - [restaurant] 4900 Montgomery Road
  • Edward Boewer - [restaurant] 3765 ... 3763 Montgomery Road
  • Caroline E. Boulware - [restaurant] 4924 Beech Ave.
  • Harold Boulware - [restaurant] 2366 Norwood Ave.
  • John M. Bromer - [restaurant] 2200 Park Ave.
  • Elsie Brooks - [restaurant] 2703 Robertson Ave.
  • Homer E. Browning - [restaurant] 4547 Forest Ave.
  • Benjamin Burbacher - [restaurant] 4031 Montgomery Road
  • Burger Chef - [restaurant] 4537 Montgomery Road, Surrey Square - outside at Monroe & Montgomery corner (1980)
  • James J. Burke - [restaurant] 2125 Washington Ave.
  • Michael F. Cafferky - [restaurant] 1818 Mills Ave.
  • Capri Pizza - [restaurant] 4359 Montgomery Road
  • Captain D's Seafood Restaurant - [restaurant] Norwood Plaza Shopping Center - outside at Montgomery Road
  • Fred. W. Catron - [restaurant] 3961 Montgomery Road
  • Homer P. Chilton - [restaurant] 2364 Norwood Ave.
  • Edward Cleveland - [restaurant] 4921 Montgomery Road
  • Country Kitchen - [restaurant] 4629 Montgomery Road
  • Cozy Corner - [restaurant] Park Avenue and Smith Road, "music & entertainment, Friday - Saturday - Sunday. Soft drinks, cold beer, plate lunch" (1939-40)
  • Edward C. Creutzinger - [restaurant] 5221 Montgomery Road
  • George M. Davis - [restaurant] 3961 Montgomery Road
  • Susie M. Delany - [delicatessen] 4022 Forest Av.
  • Edwin A. Deters - [restaurant] 2415 Robertson Ave.
  • Florence M. Donovan - [restaurant] 4725 Montgomery Road
  • James J. Donovan - [restaurant] 1763 Sherman Ave.
  • Domino's Pizza - [restaurant] 3915 Montgomery Road
  • Dragon Le's - [restaurant] Surrey Square - at northern strip mall
  • Dutch Villa - [restaurant] 3921 Montgomery Road
  • William M. Emery - [restaurant] 2144 Elm Ave.
  • Emperor Chili - [restaurant] 4735 Montgomery Road
  • Empress Chili - [restaurant] Surrey Square - at northern strip mall
  • Earl E. Ernst - [restaurant] 4912 Linden
  • Gussie Fels - [delicatessen] 2003 Worth Av.
  • Harold J. Finkler - [restaurant] 2348 Harris Ave.
  • Bart Francisco - [restaurant] 4754 Montgomery Road
  • David Frisch - [restaurant] 4733 Montgomery Road
  • Frisch Lunch Incorporated - [restaurant] 4736 Montgomery Road, incorporated in 1928
  • Samuel Frisch - [restaurant] 4644½ Montgomery Road (1914-16); this restaurant was started sometime after 1910, when Samuel Frisch moved his wife and ten children to Norwood, where he started a grocery. Having experience of owning his own restaurant for five years on Freeman Avenue in Cincinnati, Samuel quit the grocery business and opened a restaurant. In 1915, he opened a new restaurant - Frisch's Stag Lunch, in which he was joined by sons Dave, Irving and Reuen. After he died in 1923, twenty-year old Dave managed the restaurant. In 1932, Dave sold his interest to his brothers and started another restaurant, and later a second. Different sources give conflicting information whether the Frisch's Cafe in Norwood or an Oakley restaurant was the first restaurant. Dave went into backruptcy and lost both restaurants in 1938. With financial backing from Fred Cornuelle he started the Mainliner - again different sources give this as Fairfax or Norwood, with one stating the opening was in 1939.
  • Gasink Delicatessen - [delicatessen] 4408 Carter Street on the east side of Carter, between Lincoln and Courtland Avenues
  • Godfather's Pizza - [restaurant] Surrey Square - at northern strip mall
  • Joseph A. Gosink - [delicatessen] 4408 Carter Av.
  • Grecian Garden - [restaurant] 1925 Sherman Avenue
  • Groom's Cafe - [restaurant] 2368 Harris Avenue, cafe and lunch room
  • G. A. Hampton - [delicatessen] 5322 Carthage Av.
  • Hardee's - [restaurant] Surrey Square - freestanding, at Monroe and Montgomery
  • James F. Hendren - [restaurant] 5201 Globe Ave.
  • William Hennies - [restaurant] 3946 Montgomery Road
  • Highland Stone Restaurant - [restaurant] Central Parke
  • Charles Hill - [restaurant] 3921 Edwards Road
  • Harry L. Hill - [restaurant] 2415 Robertson Av.
  • Archie B. Horner - [restaurant] 2368 Harris Av.
  • Blanche Huggins - [restaurant] 4912 Linden Av.
  • Imperial Sandwich Shop - [restaurant] 3753 Montgomery Road and 4729 Smith Road
  • J & W Sandwich Shoppe - [restaurant] 4931 Montgomery Road
  • Jarvis H. Johnson - [restaurant] 4731 Smith Road
  • Jones Bros. - [restaurant] 4733 Montgomery Road
  • Andreas Katsanis - [restaurant] 4750 Montgomery Road
  • Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) - [restaurant] Surrey Square - freestanding, outside at Montgomery near Sherman
  • Max Kessel - [restaurant] 2144 Elm Av.
  • C. B. Koch - [delicatessen] 2366 Harris Av.
  • Gustav Kolling - [restaurant] 2137 Elm Ave.
  • Fred Kolling - [restaurant] 4650 Montgomery Road
  • Gustav Kolling - [restaurant] 2135 Elm Av.
  • Fred. C. Kothe - [restaurant] 4735 Smith Road
  • Peter Kourlas - [restaurant] 4628 Montgomery Road
  • Clara Kron - [restaurant] 4758 Montgomery Road
  • Steph. M. Kuth- [restaurant] 4355 Montgomery Road
  • Nicholas Lambros - [restaurant] 4905 Montgomery Road
  • LaFavorite Grill - [restaurant] 4409½ Montgomery Road
  • Jacob Lande - [delicatessen] 4562 Montgomery Road
  • LaRosa's - [restaurant] 4702 Montgomery Road
  • Laycock's Restaurant - [restaurant] 3933 Montgomery Road
  • Samuel Levy - [restaurant] 4739 Smith Rd.
  • Frank Lewis - [restaurant] 4917 Montgomery Road
  • Liberty Restaurant - [restaurant] 4748 Montgomery Road
  • William Lieb - [restaurant] 2012 Worth Ave.
  • Frank Liebisch - [restaurant] 3442 Montgomery Road
  • Lil' Grif's Pizzeria - [restaurant] corner of Section and Elm Avenues, also see Fredrick's Laundromat
  • Long John Silver's Seafood Shoppes - [restaurant] Surrey Square Mall - separate exterior entrance at front of mall
  • Lutch Delicatessen - [delicatessen] Elm and Allison Avenues (at northwest corner across from Elm, where Elm, Allison and Section meet)
  • Matthew (Mathias) Lutsch - [delicatessen] 4832 Section Av.
  • Mrs. MacCormack's Model Grill - [restaurant] 3753 Montgomery Road
  • Luella Mahr - [delicatessen] 4492 Forest Av.
  • Peter E. Malasca - [restaurant] 2094 Sherman Ave.
  • Josephine Manegold- [restaurant] 4328 Montgomery Road
  • Jesse A. Manes - [restaurant] 4714 Montgomery Road
  • Charles Marks - [restaurant] 5203 Montgomery Road
  • Theo. Maschmeyer - [restaurant] 5221 Montgomery Road
  • Mary A. Masterson - [restaurant] 4729 Montgomery Road
  • Edward McKernan - [restaurant] 5226 MontgomeryRoad
  • Ethel Miller - [restaurant] 2204 Park Ave.
  • Frank Miller - [restaurant] 4760 Montgomery Road
  • Bernard Moore - [restaurant] 5024-1/2 Montgomery Road
  • Frank Muenich - [restaurant] 4904 Montgomery Road
  • Sue Murphy - [restaurant] 4904 Montgomery Road
  • Michael Nesta - [restaurant] 4905 Montgomery Road
  • Mayme Neurohr - [restaurant] 4421 Montgomery Road
  • Norwood Restaurant - [restaurant] 4750 Montgomery Road
  • Steve Noumoff - [restaurant] 4555 Montgomery Road
  • Harry D. Owens - [restaurant] 3946 Montgomery Road
  • John Peter - [restaurant] 4553 Montgomery Road
  • Photinos Bros. - [restaurant] 4748 Montgomery Road
  • Nick Photinos - [restaurant] 4712-1/2 Montgomery Road
  • Pizza Hut - [restaurant] Surrey Square - freestanding, at Montgomery near Sherman
  • W. B. Plunket - [restaurant] 4723 Montgomery Road
  • Jessie Prewitt - [restaurant] 4220 Montgomery Road
  • Puss 'N Boots Coffee Shop - [restaurant] - 4539 Montgomery Road
  • Blanche Rader - [delicatessen] 2438 Quatman Av.
  • Rapid Restaurant - [restaurant] 4909 Montgomery Road
  • Marie H. Reid - [delicatessen] 2704 Melrose Av.
  • John P. Remke - [restaurant] 2702 Melrose Ave.
  • G. T. Robinson - [restaurant] 4802 Forest Av.
  • Arthur W. Rosberg - [restaurant] 2408 Harris Av.
  • Maltilda Rose - [restaurant] 2119 Maple Av.
  • Ervin Rost - [delicatessen] 3726 Floral Av.
  • Rouse Bros. - [restaurant] 4547 Forest Av.
  • Roy W. Sanders - [restaurant] 5024½ Montgomery Road
  • James P. Ryan - [restaurant] 4943 Montgomery Road
  • Mabel Ryan - [restaurant] 2408 Harris Ave.
  • George Saks - [restaurant] 4558 Montgomery Road
  • Fred. Schardt - [restaurant] 5001 Montgomery Road
  • Albert G. Schmerge - [delicatessen] 2369 Norwood Av.
  • Gus Schmidt - [restaurant] 2408 Harris Avenue
  • Albert J. Seifert - [restaurant] 3921 Montgomery Road
  • Ollie Small - [restaurant] 4419 Montgomery Road
  • Snacks N Such - [restaurant] Surrey Square - inside
  • Taco Bell - [restaurant] Surrey Square - freestanding at Montgomery, near Sherman (after acquiring Zantigo's; prior locations was on east side of Montgomery Road, near Elm and Smith
  • Telford Cafeteria - [cafeteria] 2141-43 Washington Avenue
  • John T. Tonnies - [delicatessen] 4401 Allison Av.
  • Alice Trimble - [restaurant] 5203 Montgomery Road
  • E. F. Turner - [restaurant] 4703 Montgomery Road
  • Willard A. Volz - [restaurant] 2402 Park Av.
  • The White Castle System - [restaurant] s.e.c. Montgomery av. and Harris av.; later, Ross Avenue, between Montgomery Road and Carthage Avenue (since late 1960s)
  • Robert Wolf - [delicatessen] 4025 Edwards Rd.
  • Zahn's Cafeteria (a.k.a. Zahn's Restaurant - [restaurant] 3755 Montgomery Road
  • Zantigo's - [restaurant] Surrey Square - freestanding, at Montgomery near Sherman

Interesting trivia: In 1944, there were 31 delicatessens listed in the Williams Hamilton County Directory. Of these, 13 (42%) were in Norwood!
  • Anthony C. Busemeyer - 3939 Montgomery Road
  • Garland R. Caldwell - 4705 Section Avenue
  • David E. Calvin - 5144 Hunter Avenue
  • Five Point Food Shop - 4400 Forest Avenue
  • Mrs. Bernice Ford - 5258 Hunter Avenue
  • Joseph A. Gosink - 4408 Carter Avenue
  • Harry Amman - 1740 Sherman Avenue
  • William H. Kasee - 3734 Montgomery Road
  • Christian B. Koch - 2366 Harrsion Avenue
  • South Norwood Delicatessen - 4492 Forest Avenue
  • Williams Delicatessen - 2133 Williams Avenue
  • Mrs. Lulu Won - 2434 Quatman Avenue
  • John G. Zenni - 4040 Grove Avenue