Society Page

A clipping from the The Norwood Enterprise newspaper,
January 12, 1899:


   Mr. A. A. Forschee, of Tilden avenue, after an extended business trip arrived home last Saturday.
   Mr. Chas. Wittrock, of Mills avenue, has recovered from a severe attack of grippe.  (influenza)
   Mr. Orris P. Cobb, of Norwood avenue, spent Sunday with relatives at Aurora Ind.
   Mr. John Thieman, of Main avenue, is out again after a six weeks illness.
   Mrs. Ida Kinle, who has for the past week has been quite ill is now convalescent.
   Mr. Fred Steincamp, of Maple avenue, is confined to his home with pleurisy.
   Mr. A. Theobald of Main avenue, suffered from a severe attack of the grippe last week.
   Mrs. W. Griem, is confined to her home on Mills avenue, through illness.
   Mrs. George Rockwell entertained the Rabbit club Friday December 13.
   The Optimist will be entetained at the home of Mrs. R. B. McGowan, on Lafayette avenue, Tuesday January 17.
   Miss Irene G. Bitely, of Lawton, Mich. is the guest of Mrs. H. D. Brown of Harper avenue.
   Mr. J. S. Massie, of Section avenue, has recovered from a severe case of grip.
   Mr. H. W. Kotter, of Carter street, has been suffering from an attack of grippe.
   Mrs. Annabelle Bundy Thomas, of Washington avenue, left Thursday for Indianapolis to rejoin the Yahn Concert Co.
   Mrs. J. Quinton, of Allison street, is very ill with the grippe.
   Mrs. Morton L. Hawkins, of Ivanhoe avenue, has suffered a relapse and is seriously ill.
   Mr. A. E. Stevens ane (sic) family, of Lafayette avenue, have returned from Cleveland, where they spent the holidays with relatives.
   Mrs. W. H. Hopkins and her entire family have been seriously ill with ... ... ... .... .... for two weeks.
   Mr. Wm. Dresser, of Ivanhoe ave., was colled (sic)to southern Indiana last week to attend the funeral of his sister.
   Misses Lilie Joseph and Dreve, of Carthage avenue, have reurned home from a three months visit with friends at Memphis, Tenn
   Mr. W. B. Gould, of Glendale, was the guest of Mr. G. B. Bartlett, of Madison avenue, last Monday.
   Mr. J. J. Marklein, of Melrose avenue, returned home from New Orleans last Sunday.
   The engagement of Mr. Dudley M. Bartlett, son of Mr. George S. Bartlett, of Floral avenue, to Miss Jospehin e Chipman, of Home City, is announced.
   Mr. C. H. P. Roney, of Lafayette avenue, left for Portsmouth, O., Monday.
   Mrs. Lewis, of Floral avenue, entertained a large number of friends with an old-fashioned dinner party, Tuesday afternoon.
   Mrs. Geo. S. Bartlett was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Geo. Spencer, of Forest avenue, Avondale, last Friday.
   Mr. Harley Hatfield spent Sunday with his uncle, Mr. W. J. Behymer, at Madisonville.
   Misses Anna and Mamie Hick, of Maderia, were visiting relatives in the village, the past week.
   Miss Mary Berting, of Main avenue, returned home after a pleasant visit to friends of Bond Hill.
   Mr. Julius Schaeppi, of Denver Colo., is making a short visit to his family on Carter street.
   Mr. Frank Grabuth, of Sherman avenue, left for Wabash, Ind. last Thursday.
   Mr. Fred Fangaman, of Sherman avenue, is out again, after a severe attack of grip.
   Mr. Chas. N. Baker, of Delaware, O., is the guest of Mr. D. S. Nichols, of Allison street.
   Miss Mary Lindenschmidt of Vevay, In., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lindeschmidt, of Hopkins avenue.
   Mrs. Lew. Wallis, of Hogsett, W. Va., is the guest of Mrs. F. W. Richter, of Pine street.
   Mrs. Frank Slane, of Hopkins avenue, is seriously sick with the grip (sic).
   Mr. Howard Shumard, of Smith Road, is home after a pleasant visit with friends at Hogsett's Landing W. Va.
   Mr. John Hoover, is convalessing after a severe attack of the grippe.
   Mr. Harry Beall is home on a visit to his mother Mrs. Caroline Beall of Ivanhoe avenue.
   Mr. Robert Beall, of Ivanhoe avenue, is confined to his home with the grippe.
   Mr. B. V. Tyler, of Delaware avenue, is visiting relatives at Madison Ind.
   Mrs. John S. Webb and daughter are visiting relatives at Philadelphia.
   Miss Margaret Taylor after a pleasant visit to her sister, Mrs. B. E. Courts, had reruned (sic) home.
   Miss Ella Johnson, of Scofield, after spending the holidays with her parents has returned home.
   Miss Mary Barstow, of Williams avenue, entertained the members of her Sunday school class at her home last Thursday evening.
   Miss Ethel, the charming daugter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Page, of Cameron avenue, has been very ill this past week.
   Miss Luella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bosse, of Washington avenue, has recovered from a severe case of grippe.
   Mrs. George Harris, of Norwood avenue, is seriously ill with pneumenia (sic).
   Mr. James Owens, of Cincinnati was the guest of his cousin William Owens of Harper avenue, last week.
   Miss Clara Shields, of Clarion avenue, was the guest of Miss Marie Adkins, of Floral avenue, last Sunday.
   Mr. Wallace Davis, is home after a business trip through the South.
   Miss Hazel Lishawa and Miss Blanche Skillman, of Hartwell, were the guests of friends this last week.
   Mrs. Chas. Nelen, of New York city, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Kennedy, of Hopkins avenue.
   Mr. W. S. Trout (?) of Sherman avenue, is slightly improved although still severly ill.
   Rev. A. J. Reynolds, of Smith road, has recovered from an attack of the grippe.
   Miss Grace Reynolds, of Smith road, is confined to her home with a bad attack of the grippe.
   Mrs. A. P. Hooe, of Cameron avenue, is now able to be out after a two weeks attack of the grippe.
   Miss Ethel Page, of Cameron avenue, has recovered from her recent illness.
   Mrs. E. W. Jewell, of Jefferson avenue, has completely recovered from her recent illness.
   Misses Mathilda Morgenstern and Charlotte Munsell, attended the delightful euche party given by Miss Anna Thayer, of Tusculum, last Saturday afternoon.
   Miss Messina Coulton, of Oxford, O , spent last week with friends in the village.
   Mrs. Katherine Lewis, of Floral avenue, entertained the embroidery club of which she is a member, with a luncheon Tuesday January 10th, Those present were Mesdames Sparrow, Cattell, Hipple, Friedeborn, Meader, Pope, Lewis and Miss Steveson.
   Judge Aaron McNeill is still confined to the house. His physician now has his malady under control and hopes to get him in shape soon. His legion of Norwood friends sincerely wish him a speedy recovery.
   Miss May Barstow, of Williams avenue, entertained a select number of friends last Thursday evening. Those present were: Misses Florence Bartlett, Julia Turpin, Blanche Hall, Fay Irving; Messrs. Gwynn Evans, Malcolm Bartlette, Vernon Howell, Wilfred Dumont, Walter Lindsay, Keneth (sic) Barstow, Ralph and Carl Floto.
   The Norwood Culture club met with Mrs. W. G. Brown Wednesday afternoon Under the general subject of "Civil Progress" entertaining papers were read on "Our nation among nations" by Mrs. W. R. Zulick and "Developments of arbitration" by Mrs. M. E. Remelin. In response to roll-call "Patriotic Quotation" were given.
   Col. Straughn, of New Orleans, was the guest of Judge McNeill, Monday. The Colonel has pictured the beauties of is city so vividly that Judge and Mrs. McNeill expect to make the trip for Madi (sic) Gras week.
   The Woman's Literary Club met at the residence of Miss Norma Richter of Mt. Auburn, the afternoon being enjoyed in a social game of euchre. The first prize was won by Selma Schawe and the second by Flora Woodburn.
   One of the events of the New Year was a dinner in honor of Mr. J. E. Dewey, first cousin of Admiral George Dewey, by his daughter, Mr. T. H. Amos, of Lawrence avenue, it being his 73 birthday. Quite a number were present and enjoyed themselves hugely.
   The Cary Fortnightly Literary Club held its annual meetinf at the residence of Mrs. W. B. Ruggles last Saturday afternoon and elected Mrs. E. W. Kemper, President; Mrs. A. R. Bloomfield, Vice-President; Mrs. W. G. Betty, Secretary and Mrs. Ren Mulford, Treasurer.
   Miss Clara Geiger entertained a crowd of young ladies at her beautiful home on Elm avenue with a New Year's party Saturday afternoon and evening. Dancing, singing and music were the features of the day, after which an elegant supper was served by the hostess. Among those present were Misses Lena and Tressa Sieve, Rosa Schulte, Elma Woertz, Carrie Bittman, Lucy, Emma and Clara Riable.
   Mr. Joseph Sievers, of Mills avenue was tendered a surprise progressive euchre party last Monday evening in honor of his 42d birthday. An enjoyable evening was spent at cards and after the games a splendid luncheon was served. The first prize was captured by Mr. Aug. Wieman, second by Mr. Henry Nieporte, Mr. Edward Nieporte taking the consolation. Those present were Mrs. Nieporte, Messrs. William Sievers, Ben. and John Nieporte, Aug. Wieman and their wives. Misses Mary Sills and Mamie Sievers, Messrs Henry, Edward and Frank Nieporte.
   Messrs John Ridge and Joseph Hart of Forest avnue, entertained a few of their many friends in the village at their homes last Friday evening before their departure for Yale, Sunday. The merry hours were spent in dancing during which refreshments were served. Among the guests of the evening were Misses Nellie Holmes, Adah Green, Lula Lumbeck and Grace Guilford of Madisonville, Manie Linkead, Daisy Ross, Bess Jones and Laura Swain. Messers, Robert Harkness, of Price Hill, George Mann and Willard Barnes of Madisonville, Wallace Miller, Chas. Swain, Howard Ralston, Albert Huesman, Anthony Ferguson, John Ridgeway and Joseph Hart.
   Monday evening last the many young lady friends of Miss Ella Jardine met at the home of Misses Cora and Grace Hagemeyer, on Lafayette avenue, who entertained with a linen shower in honor of the bride elect, Miss Jardine. A delicious repast was served promptly at 7 o'clock, the guest being seated around the long table with the prospective bride and groom at the head of the board. The table was beautifully decorated with pink carnations and trailing vines. Beside the plate of each guest was placed as a souvenir a pretty menu card in the shape of a heart, edged with gold. Attached to this dainty symbol were two letters, J and R, also touched with gold. From the chandelier hung two large hearts pierced by an arrow. The supper was served in courses and after the last one had been cleared away a large quantity of boxes and packages of all sizes and descriptions were brought in and literally thrown at the bride. The shower was a large on, while the gaiety was increased by the reading og the cars, which had verses on them. On saying, "May you never have worse showers than this," was a sentiment echoed by all, as they dispersed later in the evening, after enjoying a delightful time. The guests were Misses Ella Jardine, Anne Edwards, Bertha and Mayne Paver and Mabel Speer, of Northside, Sarah Jardine, Carrie Ohm, of Cincinnati, Bessie Hartersley, of Walnut Hills, Nora Reiser, of Deer Park, Christine Hagemeyer, of Butler, Ky., Jessie Littell, Minnie Zimmerman, Lillie Hindersman, Mabel Friedeborn, Bessie Black, Jessie Pryse, Grace and Cora Hagemeyer and Mrs. Charles Riley.
   The Cary Fortnightly Literary and Musical Club again distinguished itself by giving one of its unique entertainments to the husbands of the members. The celebration of Twelfth Night took place last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A R. Bloomfield, on Floral avenue, and the charming hostess left nothing undone that would add to the pleasure and enjoyment of her guests. The house was gaily decorated with the Club colors, the red, white and blue, by Mrs. Bloomfield assisted by Mrs. Werter G. Betty. Twelfth Night is an ancient celebration that was religiously kept as far back as the fifteeth century. It is the twelfth day of the nativity, and is the last festival of the Christmas celebration. On this occasion the ruling Monarch appointed one of his couriers King for the night, and his authority was supreme. The night was given up to mis-rule and the games were usually of a frivolous nature. The frstivities open with a feast, after which the pleasures of the evening were directed by the temporal king. Another name for the evening is the Bean King Festival. A hugh cake is baked in which are hidden a bean and a raisin. The guest receiving the bean is King for the next year's entertainment, and the lady receiving the raisin will be Queen. Mr. C. E. Willson obtained the bean and Mrs. W. B. Ruggles the raisin. The supper Friday evening was a dream in reality. After supper toasts were offered, the first being a welcome to the gentlemen given by Mrs. Ruggles and responded to by Messrs. Ren Mulford and Chas. F. Seaman. The Cary Club was responded to by its president, Mrs. E. W. Kemper. The King and Queen of the evening were Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Betty, who appeared on their throne in the full costume of the sovereigns of the Elizabethian age. An hour in games and music, another in mis-rule and dancing brought the gay party to the realization that midnight was at hand and that the hour of departure had come all too soon. The ladies all costumed in keeping with the day and date. There were present Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Ren Mulford, jr., Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Singer, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bloomfield, Mr. and Mrs. Will ...r.ley, Mrs. T. J., Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Seaman, Mrs. W. B. Ruggles and daughter Mary, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Betty, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kemper.

Some parts were hard to read and indicated ..... .
When a spelling was wrong, it was left as printed but was followed with (sic) .