1896 Directory for Norwood, Ohio.
Fagin, Wm., clerk Mt. Adams-Eden Park R. R., res. s s Lexington, 3rd h e Main
Fangeman (Fangman?), Fred., grocery & saloon, ne c Sherman & Franklin
Feeney, T. L., teacher technical school, res. w s Ivanhoe 1st h s Hopkins
Fehring, Lizzie, res. s s Elm o Ridgeway
Feicke, B., laborer, res. e s Section 4th h n Crown
Feld, John, gardener, res. s s Sherman 4th h e Carter
Feldman, Emma, res. ne c Lawn & Carthage
Feldman, Henry, farmer, res. ne c Lawn & Carthage
Feldman, Henry Jr., coal J. W. Tidball & Co., Maple west of Main
res. ne c Lawn & Carthage
Feldman, John, bartender Ivanhoe Exchange, e s Main 1st h s Williams
Feldman, Mary, res. ne c Lawn & Carthage
Feldman's Subdivision, real estate (H. Feldman, Norwood Heights)
Ferdelman, H., cigar maker, res. s s Elm o Ridgeway
Ferguson, Anthony, draughtsman, res. s s Mound 1st h e Main
Ferguson, D. C., hostler J. W. Hitch's, nw c Highland & Marion
Ferguson, Hiram T., carpenter, res. s s Mound 1st h e Main
Ferguson, J. M., painter Hammel & Ferguson, Main 2nd d s Monroe
res. w s Main 2nd h n Feldman
Ferguson, Wm. McKee, clerk, res. s s Mound 1st h e Main
Ferris, Wm., patent cistern cleaner, res. n s Woodlawn 3rd h w Franklin
Ferris, Hercile, res. n s Woodlawn 3rd h w Franklin
Fertig, Eliza, se c Main & Mound at Dr. Springer
Fieber, Lillie, bkkpr., res. w s Forest 2nd h s Harper
Fieber, Mrs. M., res. w s Forest 2nd h s Harper
Fieber, Magdalen, teacher, res. w s Forest 2nd h s Harper
Fienthal, H. W., foreman shoe factory, res. sw c Crown & Station
Fierlein, Olivia, w s Linden 1st h n Norwood at Vollmer's
Figge, C. J., salesman, res. w s Lloyd 3rd h s Norwood
Filder, Henry, bartender, res. se c Mills & Allison
Finch, Louis, clerk, res. e s Ridgeway 2nd h n Maple
Finch, Mrs. Miranda, widow, res. e s Ridgeway 2nd h n Maple
Finke, Jos., tinner, res. n s Sherman 3rd h e Franklin
Finke, Jos. J., foreman shoe factory, res. n s Sherman 3rd h e Franklin
Finley, Mrs. Elizabeth, w s Huston 1st h n Williams at Harold Ryland's
First Methodist Episcopal Church, nw c Harris & Wesley
Rev. Wilbur L. Y. Davis, Pastor
Fish, Mrs. Jane A., widow, res. e s Floral 2nd h s Smith
Fisher, George, supt. Norwood water works, res. e s Main 2nd h n Highland
Fishman, A., cabinet maker, res. s s Lexington 3rd h e Main
Fishman, S., cabinet maker, res s s Lexington 3rd h e Main
First Baptist Church, nw c Sherman & Station
Fitsch, Will, engraver, res. se c Melrose & Grove
Fitzpatrick, T. V., physician, No. 32 Garfield Place, 8th st, city
res., s s Hopkins 3rd h e Ivanhoe
Flamm, S. A., clothing cutter, res. e s Section 1st h n Crown
Flinn, Nora, boards, sw c Main & Williams
Flotow, Henry, confections, res. n s Washington 2nd h w Ashland
Flower, Raymond, butcher, res. n s Tilden 2nd h w Allison
Flower, Thos. R., saw maker, res. n s Tilden 2nd h w Allison
Flowers, C. W. (C. M.?), school board, principal Village of Norwood
supt. Norwood public schools
res. n s Feldman o Rose (Norwood Heights)
Fogerty, Mary, nurse C. B. Ryan's, w s Spencer 1st h n Hudson
Folfer, Herbert, traveling salesman,
boards sw c Ashland & Monroe at Dr. H. Snow
Forbriger, Mrs. B., widow, res. s s Woodlawn 1s h w Franklin
Fortman, Chas., laborer, res. n s Smith 2nd h e Marsh
Fortman, Francis, shoe-lining maker, res. n s Smith 2nd h e Marsh
Fortman, John, policeman, res. n s Smith 2nd h e Marsh
Fortman, Louise, res. n s Smith 2nd h e Marsh
Frankhauser, Louis, type caster, res. s s Mills 3rd h w Franklin
Franklin, Mrs. Caroline, widow, res. nw c Main & Williams
Franklin, John, ass't supt. Gas Co., res. w s Main 2nd h s Williams
Franzen, Geo., laborer, res. nw c Laurence & Walter
Franzen, Geo. Jr., laborer, res. nw c Laurence & Walter
Freckers, John, machine operator shoe factory, res. sw c Franklin & Mills
Freckers, Jos., clerk, res. sw c Franklin & Mills
Freckers, Mamie, res. sw c Franklin & Mills
Freckers, Mrs. Rosa, widow, res. sw c Franklin & Mills
Freudenstein, Adam, laborer, res. w s Allison 4th h n Hopkins
Frey, Edna, sw c Williams & Huston at P. Brooks
Frick, A. J., salesman, res., s c Ashland & Adams
Frick, Bertha L., res. s c Ashland & Adams
Frick, C. E, pattern maker, res. s c Ashland & Adams
Frick, Emma R., teacher, res. s c Ashland & Adams
Frick, H. R., oyster dealer, w s Main 3rd h s Hopkins avenue
res. s c Ashland & Adams
Frick, Mrs. Victoria, widow, res. s c Ashland & Adams
Frick, Victoria, res. s c Ashland & Adams
Fricke, Fred., clerk, res. w s Carter 3rd h n Tilden
Fridman, W. M., attorney at 24-27 Pickering Building,
s.e. cor. Fifth and Main Sts., Cincinnati
boards n s Waverly 2nd h w Main
Friedel, Edw., tinner, res. se c Main & Monroe
Friedel, F. A., saloon, se c Main & Monroe
Friedel, Lena, res. se c Main & Monroe
Fries, Alexander A., Fries & Bro., res. se c Main & Mound
Fristo, Phoebe, Main 2nd h n Feldman with J. M. Ferguson
Fritsch & Hugle, real estate, sw c Fourth and Main streets, 2nd floor
lots and houses for sale in Norwood, Walnut Hills, Avondale,
Clifton and Cincinnati.
Fritsch, J. W., real estate Fritsch & Hugle
res. se c Melrose & Grove
Fritz, Mary, n s Jefferson 1st h e Ashland at C. H. Brunsman's
Frohliger, Edw., bookkeeper, boards w s Ivanhoe 1st h n Williams
Fromlet, F., sec'y Elsmere Building and Loan Co.
Fuller, Grace Hellen, res. e s Forest 1st h n Harris
Fuller, J. C., shoe machinery, res. e s Forest 1st h n Harris
Fults, J. E., carpenter & contractor, res. e s Turrill 2nd h s Mound
Fussner, J. J., shipping clerk, res., n s Maple 3rd h w Ridgeway