(three subdivisions)
Town 4 / Fractional Range 2 / Section 34
(* indicates a link to the Hamilton County Recorder's website) (** indicates a link to - cite using this: "Ohio, Hamilton County Records, 1791-1994." Images. FamilySearch. : accessed 2014.)

    The streets in or adjacent to this subdivision are:
  • Adams Avenue
  • Ashland Avenue
  • Hopkins Avenue
  • Jefferson Avenue
  • Lafayette Avenue
  • Madison Avenue
  • Monroe Avenue
  • Montgomery Road
  • Smith Road
  • Washington Avenue
    Plat document information:
  • June 17, 1884: Plat made & dedication of streets by owners
  • August 16, 1884: Received by County Recorder's Office
  • August 27 & 28: Recorded by County Recorder
Owners: Benjamin F. Smith (unmarried), Edward Mills and Henrietta Mills (wife)

Interesting Facts
When the 2nd subdivision was platted, a 35 foot strip of land for "park" purposes was reserved along both sides of Jefferson Avenue. This strip was extended to Ashland Avenue in subdivision number 1, thereby taking 35 feet from lots 189 to 192.

The street from Montgomery Pike to Monroe Avenue labeled "Hopkins Avenue" was later renamed "Ashland Avenue."


The following Deed/Mortgage Index Books contain the pages for lists of real estate transactions. For each transaction will be the names of the Grantors & Grantees (Sellers and Buyers), Mortgagors & Mortgagees and the corrsponding Deed Book and page numbers. Using that information, the deed record for that transaction can be found.

SERIES 8 - DEED INDEX (1939- )
Lots Years Book/Page
Between Montgomery Rd. & railroad tracks
1-32 & 31-1/2 1940-43 72 / 360*
1-32 & 31-1/2 1944-47 72 / 362*
1-32 & 31-1/2 1947-51 72 / 364*
1-32 & 31-1/2 1951-55 72 / 366*
1-32 & 31-1/2 1956-64 72 / 366-A*
1-32 & 31-1/2 1964-69 72 / 366-B*
1-32 & 31-1/2 1969-72 72 / 366-C*
1-32 & 31-1/2 1972-76 72 / 366-D*
1-32 & 31-1/2 1977-84 72 / 366-E*
1-32 & 31-1/2 1985-97 72 / 366-F*
1-32 & 31-1/2 1999-2003 72 / 366-G*
Southwest of "East" Hopkins (Ashland) and Monroe Avenues
33-50 & 207-211 1940-45 72 / 368*
33-50 & 207-211 1945-55 72 / 370*
33-50 & 207-211 1955-63 72 / 370-A*
33-50 & 207-211 1963-75 72 / 370-B*
33-50 & 207-211 1975-86 72 / 370-C*
33-50 & 207-211 1987-99 72 / 370-D*
33-50 & 207-211 2000-02 72 / 370-E*
Between Lafayette, Monroe and "East" Hopkins (Ashland) Ave's
51-66 1940-51 72 / 372*
51-66 1951-63 72 / 374*
51-66 1963-83 72 / 374-A*
51-66 1984-2001 72 / 374-B*
51-66 2001-03 72 / 374-C*
Between Lafayette, Monroe &  Madison (plus)
67-86 & 199-206 1940-45 72 / 376*
67-86 & 199-206 1946-52 72 / 378*
67-86 & 199-206 1952-58 72 / 380*
67-86 & 199-206 1959-65 72 / 380-A*
67-86 & 199-206 1965-72 72 / 380-B*
67-86 & 199-206 1973-80 72 / 380-C*
67-86 & 199-206 1980-89 72 / 380-D*
67-86 & 199-206 1989-99 72 / 380-E*
67-86 & 199-206 1999-2002 72 / 380-F*
Between Lafayette, Jefferson & Madison (minus)
87-106 & 191-198 1939-47 72 / 382*
87-106 & 191-198 1947-54 72 / 384*
87-106 & 191-198 1955-62 72 / 386*
87-106 & 191-198 1962-68 72 / 386-A*
87-106 & 191-198 1968-74 72 / 386-B*
87-106 & 191-198 1974-79 72 / 386-C*
87-106 & 191-198 1979-92 72 / 386-D*
87-106 & 191-198 1992-2000 72 / 386-E*
87-106 & 191-198 2000-02 72 / 386-F*
Between Lafayette, Jefferson and Adams Avenues
107-126 & 183-190 1939-43 72 / 388*
107-126 & 183-190 1944-51 72 / 390*
107-126 & 183-190 1952-60 72 / 392*
107-126 & 183-190 1960-67 72 / 392-A*
107-126 & 183-190 1967-71 72 / 392-B*
107-126 & 183-190 1972-84 72 / 392-C*
107-126 & 183-190 1985-97 72 / 392-D*
107-126 & 183-190 1997-2002 72 / 392-E*
Between Lafayette, Adams and Washington Avenues
127-146 & 175-182 1939-43 72 / 394*
127-146 & 175-182 1943-48 72 / 396*
127-146 & 175-182 1948-53 72 / 398*
127-146 & 175-182 1953-59 72 / 398-A*
127-146 & 175-182 1959-63 72 / 398-B*
127-146 & 175-182 1963-65 72 / 398-C*
126-146 & 175-182 1965-71 72 / 398-D*
126-146 & 175-182 1971-75 72 / 398-E*
127-146 & 175-182 1976-78 72 / 398-F*
126-146 & 175-182 1979-85 72 / 398-G*
126-146 & 175-182 1985-91 72 / 398-H*
126-146 & 175-182 1991-97 72 / 398-I*
126-146 & 175-182 1997-2002 72 / 398-J*
127-146 & 176-182 2002-03 72 / 398-K*
Between Lafayette, Washington and Smith
147-174 1940-46 72 / 400*
147-174 1946-51 72 / 402*
147-174 1951-58 72 / 404*
147-174 1958-64 72 / 406*
147-174 1964-70 72 / 408*
147-174 1970-73 72 / 410*
147-174 1973-77 72 / 410-A*
147-174 1978-83 72 / 410-B*
147-174 1984-90 72 / 410-C*
147-174 1990-97 72 / 410-D*
147-174 1997-2002 72 / 410-E*
Lots Years Book/Page
Between Montgomery Rd. & railroad tracks
1-32 & 31-1/2 1941-47 72 / 361*
1-32 & 31-1/2 1947-52 72 / 363*
1-32 & 31-1/2 1953-63 72 / 365*
1-32 & 31-1/2 1964-70 72 / 367*
1-32 & 31-1/2 1971-83 72 / 367-A*
1-32 & 31-1/2 1984-96 72 / 367-B*
1-32 & 31-1/2 1996-2000 72 / 367-C*
1-32 & 31-1/2 2000-03 72 / 367-D*
Southwest of "East" Hopkins (Ashland) and Monroe Avenues
33-50 & 207-211 1940-51 72 / 369*
33-50 & 207-211 1951-54 72 / 371*
33-50 & 207-211 1955-63 72 / 371-A*
33-50 & 207-211 1963-75 72 / 371-B*
33-50 & 207-211 1975-80 72 / 371-C*
33-50 & 207-211 1980-87 72 / 371-D*
33-50 & 207-211 1987-93 72 / 371-E*
33-50 & 207-211 1993-98 72 / 371-F*
33-50 & 207-211 1998-2001 72 / 371-G*
33-50 & 207-211 2001-03 72 / 371-H*
Between Lafayette, Monroe and "East" Hopkins (Ashland) Ave's
51-66 1945-55 72 / 373*
51-66 1955-64 72 / 375-A*
51-66 1965-77 72 / 375-B*
51-66 1977-92 72 / 375-C*
51-66 1993-2000 72 / 375-D*
51-66 2001-03 72 / 375-E*
Between Lafayette, Monroe & Madison (plus)
67-86 & 199-206 1939-45 72 / 377*
67-86 & 199-206 1946-50 72 / 379*
67-86 & 199-206 1950-54 72 / 381*
67-86 & 199-206 1955-59 72 / 381-A*
67-86 & 199-206 1960-65 72 / 381-B*
67-86 & 199-206 1965-73 72 / 381-C*
67-86 & 199-206 1973-77 72 / 381-D*
67-86 & 199-206 1978-81 72 / 381-E*
67-86 & 199-206 1982-91 72 / 381-F*
67-86 & 199-206 1991-94 72 / 381-G*
67-86 & 199-206 1994-2001 72 / 381-H*
67-86 & 199-206 2001-03 72 / 381-I*
Between Lafayette, Jefferson & Madison (minus)
87-106 & 191-198 1939-46 72 / 383*
87-106 & 191-198 1946-50 72 / 385*
87-106 & 191-198 1950-55 72 / 387*
87-106 & 191-198 1956-61 72 / 387-A*
87-106 & 191-198 1961-68 72 / 387-B*
87-106 & 191-198 1968-74 72 / 387-C*
87-106 & 191-198 1975-78 72 / 387-D*
87-106 & 191-198 1978-87 72 / 387-E*
87-106 & 191-198 1988-96 72 / 387-F*
87-106 & 191-198 1996-2001 72 / 387-G*
87-106 & 191-198 2001 72 / 387-H*
Between Lafayette, Jefferson and Adams Avenues
107-126 & 183-190 1939-45 72 / 389*
107-126 & 183-190 1945-51 72 / 391*
107-126 & 183-190 1951-60 72 / 393*
107-126 & 183-190 1960-66 72 / 393-A*
107-126 & 183-190 1966-76 72 / 393-B*
107-126 & 183-190 1976-79 72 / 393-C*
107-126 & 183-190 1979-95 72 / 393-D*
107-126 & 183-190 1995-2000 72 / 393-E*
107-126 & 183-190 2000-2002 72 / 393-F*
Between Lafayette, Adams and Washington Avenues
127-146 & 175-182 1939-44 72 / 395*
127-146 & 175-182 1944-48 72 / 397*
127-146 & 175-182 1948-52 72 / 399*
127-146 & 175-182 1952-57 72 / 399-A*
127-146 & 175-182 1957-62 72 / 399-B*
127-146 & 175-182 1962-64 72 / 399-C*
127-146 & 175-182 1965-73 72 / 399-D*
127-146 & 175-182 1973-78 72 / 399-E*
127-146 & 175-182 1978-82 72 / 399-F*
127-146 & 175-182 1983-90 72 / 399-G*
127-146 & 175-182 1990-94 72 / 399-H*
127-146 & 175-182 1995-97 72 / 399-I*
127-146 & 175-182 1997-98 72 / 399-J*
127-146 & 175-182 1998-2000 72 / 399-K*
127-146 & 175-182 2000-01 72 / 399-L*
127-146 & 175-182 2001-02 72 / 399-M*
127-146 & 175-182 2002-03 72 / 399-N*
Between Lafayette, Washington and Smith
147-174 1939-46 72 / 401*
147-174 1946-50 72 / 403*
147-174 1950-54 72 / 405*
147-174 1954-60 72 / 407*
147-174 1960-64 72 / 409*
147-174 1964-73 72 / 409-A*
147-174 1973-76 72 / 409-B*
147-174 1976-80 72 / 409-C*
147-174 1980-86 72 / 409-D*
147-174 1986-92 72 / 409-E*
147-174 1993-97 72 / 409-F*
147-174 1997-2001 72 / 409-G*

SERIES 7 - DEED INDEX (1927-38)
Lots Years Book/Page
Between Montgomery Rd. & railroad tracks
1-32 & 31-1/2 1927-30 72 / 360**
1-32 & 31-1/2 1930-36 72 / 362**
1-32 & 31-1/2  1938 72 / 364**
Southwest of "East" Hopkins (Ashland) and Monroe Avenues
33-50 & 207-211 1927-38 72 / 368**
Between Lafayette, Monroe and Hopkins (Ashland) Ave's
51-66 1927-38 72 / 376**
Between Lafayette, Monroe & Madison (plus)
67-86 & 199-206 1927-37 72 / 382**
67-86 & 199-206 1937 72 / 384**
Between Lafayette, Jefferson & Madison (minus)
87-106 & 191-198 1927-38 72 / 388**
Between Lafayette, Jefferson and Adams Avenues
107-126 & 183-190 1927-37 72 / 394**
107-126 & 183-190 1937-38 72 / 396**
Between Lafayette, Adams and Washington Avenues
127-146 & 175-182 1927-36 72 / 400**
127-146 & 175-182 1936-38 72 / 402**
Between Lafayette, Washington and Smith
147-174 1927-34 72 / 406**
147-174 1934-38 72 / 408**
Lots Years Book/Page
Between Montgomery Rd. & railroad tracks
1-32 & 31-1/2 1927-32 72 / 361**
1-32 & 31-1/2 1932-38 72 / 363**
Southwest of "East" Hopkins (Ashland) and Monroe Avenues
33-50 & 207-211 1927-38 72 / 369**
Between Lafayette, Monroe and Hopkins (Ashland) Ave's
51-66   72 / 377**
Between Lafayette, Monroe & Madison (plus)
67-86 & 199-206 1927-32 72  / 383**
67-86 & 199-206 1932-38 72  / 385**
Between Lafayette, Jefferson & Madison (minus)
87-106 & 191-198 1927-35 72 / 389**
87-106 & 191-198 1935-38 72 / 391**
Between Lafayette, Jefferson and Adams Avenues
107-126 & 183-190 1927-34 72 / 395**
107-126 & 183-190 1927-34 72 / 397**
Between Lafayette, Adams and Washington Avenues
127-146 & 175-182 1927-31 72 / 401**
127-146 & 175-182 1932-38 72 / 403**
Between Lafayette, Washington and Smith
147-174 1927-33 72 / 407**
147-174 1935-38 72 / 409**

SERIES 6 - DEED INDEX (1918-27)
Lots Years Book/Page
Between Montgomery Rd. & railroad tracks
1-32 & 31-1/2 -1922 19 / 318**
1-32 & 31-1/2  1923-26 19 / 320**
1-32 & 31-1/2 1926 19 / 448**
Southwest of "East" Hopkins (Ashland) and Monroe Avenues
(but not east of Ashland)
33-66  -1924 19 / 322**
33-66  1924-26 19 / 324**
Between Lafayette, Monroe, Madison and Ashland Ave's
67-106  -1921? 19 / 326**
67-106  1921-26 19 / 328**
67-106 1926 19 / 460**
Between Lafayette, Jefferson, Washington & Ashland
107-146  -1920? 19 / 330**
107-146  1920-26 19 / 332**
107-146  1926 19 / 334**
Between Lafayette, Washington and Smith
 147-174  -1922 19 / 336**
147-174  1922-25 19 / 338**
147-174  1925-26 19 / 340**
East of Ashland, South of Washington
175-211  -1922? 19 / 342**
175-211  1922-26 19 / 344**
175-211 1926 19 / 420**
Lots Years Book/Page
Between Montgomery Rd. & railroad tracks
1-32 & 31-1/2  -1925 19 / 319**
1-32 & 31-1/2 1925-26  19 /321**
Southwest of "East" Hopkins (Ashland) and Monroe Avenues
(but not east of Ashland)
33-66 -1924 19 / 323**
33-66  1925-26 19 / 325**
Between Lafayette, Monroe, Madison and Ashland Ave's
67-106 -1921 19 / 327**
67-106  1921-26 19 / 329**
67-106 1926 19 / 461**
Between Lafayette, Jefferson, Washington & Ashland
107-146  -1921? 19 / 331**
107-146  1921-24 19 / 333**
107-146  1924-26 19 / 335**
Between Lafayette, Washington and Smith
147-174  -1922 19 / 337**
147-174  1922-25 19 / 339**
147-174  1925-26 19 / 341**
East of Ashland, South of Washington
175-211  -1922 19 / 343**
175-211  1922-26 19 / 345**

5th Series Index Book/Page (1903-18):

4th Series Index Book/Page ( ):

3rd Series Index Book/Page ():

No listing in Series 2 or earlier.