From The Norwood Enterprise, Aug. 18, 1898
——— REPORT OF THE EXPERTS ON THE CURB AND GUTTER. ——— Work on the Open Drains to be Commenced Soon. ——— |
Council met in regular session last
Monday evening, all the members present
and Mayor Fitzpatrick presiding.
A communication from the water works trustees stated that they were willing to furnish water free to the engine houses provided the proper connections were made. Referred to the committee on fire and light. The trustees asked that some action be taken in regard to painting the fire hydrants, as promised. Laid on the table. Residents on Washington avenue, between Floral and Forest, complain of the washing of mud on the sidewalks after rain, making the place almost inpassable; requesting that either some of the dirt be removed or a strip of sod be laid so as to avoid the slipping of mud. Referred to committee on streets and grades. Mr. Leo Dressel asked that a crossing be constructed across the pike to his place of business. Referred to committee on streets and grades. |
The Norwood General Welfare
Association called attention to the bad
condition of Hopkins avenue near Bloody
Run; to the board walks on Carter and
Courtland streets; also requesting
gasoline lamps on the latter street to the
Allison street school. Referred to
committee on streets and grades.
A letter was received from Gen. Hickenlooper in regard to the proposition for rolling the gas trenches on Smith road. He stated that the company would not pay anything for the work and furthermore protested against it being done by the village, and will hold the village responsible for any damage done their pipes by causing leaks or breaks. Messrs. Zimmerman, Devoe and Engineer Stewart were appointed a committee to wait on Gen. Hickenlooper to make final arrangements. |
Mr. R. Straatemeyer (sic) protested against
the change of grade in front of his
property. He claims to have settled on the
basis of a fill and instead there was a
cut. Referred to the engineer for
Engineer Stewart reported that the curb in front of Mr. Straatemyer's was raised 7 inches above the established grade so as to prevent a sharp angle and to give it a graceful curve and was a benefit to the property. As to any other claim he knew nothing of it. Referred to the committee on streets and grades and engineer to investigate. Citizens from Woodlawn avenue requested that this street be improved with a bed of large stone, with a coating of good limestone to be broken on the street, this to be thoroughly rolled without coating of gravel, screening or any other material. Referred to the engineer as to the advisablity of complying with the request. Petition for cement sidewalks were received from citizens of both sides of Lawrence avenue, from the pike to Sherman; on the east side of Marion from Harris to Highland, and on the west side of Marion from Harris to a point near Harper Referred to solicitor for verification of signatures. |
Dr. Cadwallander appeared before the
board in regard to the open drain
emptying in the rear of St. Joseph's Infant
Asylum. He presented a letter from
Mr. Otway J. Cosgrave, the attorney of
the asylum, in which he stated that this
water was the only means of watering
the cows belonging on the asylum. At
first the cows became sick and then the
children. A veterinary ssurgeon (sic) was
called and claims the sickness was due
to the impure water, made so by
emptying of this sewage into the water
way. The milk for the institution now
has to be bought. He asks that
immediate steps be taken to abate the
nuisance, as he did not want to report the
matter to rhe State Board of Health and
make trouble and expense ro the village.
Dr. Cadwallader stated that the
complaint was a just one and recommended
that a basin be built at least 15
to 18 feet in diameter and deep enough
to strike sand or gravel, this basin to
be used to catch the sewage and to be
emptied as often as needed. This would
be the cheapest and best way to at least
temporarily abate the nuisance. This
matter was referred to the sewage
commission, to report at once.
The committee of experts employed to
examine the curb and gutter in course
of construction in the pike made their
report, which was as follows:
Cincinnati, August 15, 1898. To the Council of Norwood, Hamilton County, Ohio: Gentlemen—The undersigned committee employed by you to examine the cement work now in progress in your village having met upon the work by appointment on the afternoon of the 14th inst. and made a careful examination of the portion of the work now completed, and the materials of which the curb and gutter is being constructed, have the honor to submit the following report. 1. We find the forms correctly made so that the curb and gutter as constructed has the specified dimensions. 2. The forms are sufficient strength and have been carefully placed, so that, in general, the alignment is good. One in the west curb, a short distance south from the B. & O. S. W. Ry., the deflection from the line should be corrected. 3. We find the materials in use to be those described in the specifications. The term, "Flint Boulders," is, in this market, a trade term, and can not be construed to mean silica, but merely very hard and flinty boulders. 4. We find the method of combining the materials to form the curb and gutter to be that described in the specifications, and we are of the opinion that the work thus formed will be durable. Inasmuch as the above findings constitute a substantial vindication of the work as we see it, you will naturally inquire why criticisms arise, and whether or not we have any suggestions to offer regarding the future conduct of the improvement. The two things are so clearly related that we will treat them together. (a.) The concrete can be given greater strength by using more care in compacting it in forms. By this we do not mean that it should be pounded more heavily with rammers, but that that when it is placed in position, an instrument that will penetrate the mass should be used and cause the mortar and fine particles to fill all angles and crevices; |
that then
the surface should be well rammed in
the usual manner, and this practice will
be found to result in giving the blocks
greater density and consequently more
strength; that the newly made blocks
be more carefully protected during the
process of setting. Here is the origin of
the greater part of the complaints which
have reached you. If your people could
not see these blocks until they were two
weeks old they would stand inspection
much better than they now do. The
specifications do set forth in detail
how the work shall be protected while
it is green, but under the general
provisions we are of the opinion that ample
authority is vested in your Engineer to
enable him to order that such care be
taken of it as in his judgement may be
necessary. When cement work dries
out too rapidly it is liable to become
brittle, or even to crumble. To set
properly it requires water, and after the
initial setting has taken place there is
no danger of giving it an excess.
(b.) Our visit to Marion avenue resulted in the discovery of some defective blocks. Upon breaking a block the cause was apparent as to afford an extremely valuable lesson for those engaged upon work of this character. Enough clay and mud had been mingled with the other ingredients to neutralize the action of the cement. It follows that cleanliness must be used in all operations, a strict adherence to prescribed proportions, thorough mixture of ingredients, as complete solidity can be acquired in compacting both the blocks and their foundations, and great care of the blocks while green. The specifications give you the right to use sand if deemed necessary. If there be any doubt as to the cleanliness of the finely crushed boulders used in the finishing coat, we would recommend the use of clean, sharp sand in the mixture. Washing a sample of the finely crushed stone is a simple method of testing its purity. If it contains any considerable quantity of material that is soluable in water it should be rejected. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The Committee on Finance submitted
a resolution and ordinance to issue
bonds in the sum of $24,293
![]() The Committee on Streets and Grades report: Request of J. Snyder for 5 per cent. retainer on Slane avenue not granted, as the one years time had not expired. Request of water-works trustees for 100 feet of sewer pipe granted. Mr. O. P. Cobb's complaint in regard to board walk on Forest avenue. A resolution was introduced to instruct the property owners to make the repairs. Report concurred in and filed. Engineer Stewart reported that the catch basins designared in his report should be abandoned and the others properly connected. Concurred in. The committee on law and contract referred the request of Roy Johnston for dirt to the engineer to report if any dirt is necessary. The clerk was instructed by the committee on town hall to charge the following rates for the hall: Entertainments, evening, $5, afternoon, $3; entire day $10. Dance from 8 to 12 o'clock, $6; after midnight $3 extra. No free nights; for these a charge of $1 will be made. Carried. |
Solicitor's report: Petition for Wesley
street, the signatures are correct and
petition should be granted.
An ordinance authorizing the annexation of contiguous territory. Rules were suspended and ordinance passed. The sewer commission reported on the suggestion of Health Officer Cadwallder, recommending his plan. This open drain and the one on Williams avenue was referred to the committee on streets and grades, engineer and solicitor, with power to act. The ordinances for cement walk on Wesley street was passed. Payment of the 5 per cent. retainer due J. M. McJoynt on the Carter street walk was ordered paid. Mr. G. P. Evans was designated by the Mayor to serve notices on the property owners on Williams avenue for a new board sidewalk. The committee of the whole reported that in the Mehmert case he should look to Contractor Drach for compensation. Mr. Mehmert as called upon to make a statement; also Messrs. Drach and Stewart. Mr. Mehmert was asked to submit an itemized bill of damages and council will try to have some action taken in the matter. |
A communication from Capt. Stone,
of the Telephone Co., offers to allow Mr.
Shortall the free use of their poles and
will cancel all obligations due from him
to the company.
An ordinance is being prepared to give the Messenger and Police Co. a new franchise. The salary of the inspector to be charged temporaily to the street and grade fund. That $50 be offered to Mr. Grieme as compensation for damages. This report was concurred in. The matter of the village advertising and printing was referred to the solicitor John Snyder was ordered to have the water trenches on Maple and Houston avenues rolled at his expense. The clerk was instructed to notify the C., L. & N. R. R. Co. to replace the walk near and between their tracks. A resolution was introduced to dispense with the services of Mr. Charles Jeffrey as inspector, as there seems to be no fund with which to defray the expense. Referred to the committee of the whole. |
The clerk was instructed to notify
Wm. Berger to discontinue sprinkling
on Elm avenue.
The solicitor was instructed to take steps judicially relative to damage claims on the pike from Mound to Cypress avenues; also; to prepare an ordinance giving the superintendent of streets police power. Engineer Stewart was instructed to notify McLain, the sewer contractor, to make the repairs on Slane avenue within thirty days. If not it would be done by the village and charged to his account. Also, to notify Jas. G. Cooper & Co. to replace broken cement blocks on Deleware avenue and put the trench on the street in condition. Carried. Marshal Eberhard was instructed to notify Messrs. Hugle and Beazell to remove the rubbish left by the builders from Slane avenue. Bills amounting to $1,928 ![]() Adjourned. |